We are Amy and Alex Bradstreet and we are the most recent stewards of this ancestral farm located in midcoast Maine.
Bradstreet FarmOur Bradstreet ancestors have been farming this same land since 1799. Our current farmhouse was built by Alex's great-great grandparents sometime before 1861. The farmhouse was gutted and remodeled in 1975. We have been working to restore sustainability, longevity, and comfort to the farmhouse since 2013.
The Land125-acres, set on Sheepscot Lake on the south and bordered by Mud Pond on the north, with Linscott Brook running through the land. The last maintained open pasture ended in the 1950s and our goal is to restore at least some acreage to pasture. In addition, we maintain woods, tap trees, plant firs, plant herb, flower, and vegetable gardens, preserve shore land and wildlife habitats while using permaculture and keeping organic practices.
ApiaryWe began our apiary the spring of 2019 with two hives of Buckfast bees. We have since grown our current apiary to fourteen hives. We locate some of our hives on nearby farms to aid with pollination during the summer months.
Visit our online store for Honey and Honeycomb! |
Duck & Chicken Eggs![]() We currently have a Khaki Campbell duck hen, four adopted Buff Orpington duck hens, and eight heritage breed and Red Star chicken hens. Both flocks are free-range and fed an organic diet. We currently donate our excess eggs to our town's food pantry, and we sometimes have eggs for sale on the farm, March - October.
Bradstreet Farm is featured in Maine Homes by Down East, Winter 2018, Deepening Roots by Virginia M. Wright, Photography by Jared Kuzia
The Farm Renovation Continues
See the Before and After pages for more photos! We're always doing something to the farmhouse, outbuildings, or camp point!